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Travellers' Site - No News

It's been some time since we posted about the travellers' site at the end of Birchanger Lane. Uttlesford District Council is fulfilling its promise and letting us know what's happening, which is precisely nothing. The last update we received informed us that the final documents required for the planning application for change of use to be validated have still not been received.

We'll post further information when we have it.

Posted: 26/10/18 

Road Junction plan resubmitted

Updated: Essex County Council has resubmitted its request for a certificate of lawful development of the roundabout at the M11 end of Birchanger Lane. It now shows the new piece of road allowing buses and, we hope, residents to access Dunmow Road, but there seems to be nothing in the application to confirm or deny that. However Essex Highways, at, says 

Update from Essex Highways on Junction 8 Works

The Parish Council has received a letter from Essex Highways that confirms that the bus lane will, subject to further traffic modelling and ongoing monitoring, be available to all vehicles.

Birchanger M11 Junction 8 Public Opinion survey results

91 people, mostly Birchanger residents but a few from outside the village, completed our questionaire asking for views on the proposed M11 junction 8 works. The results are in, and you have made your views known in no uncertain manner.

There may still be one or two printed forms that we have not yet received, but our findings so far are as follows.

86% of those who expressed an opinion thought the scheme as a whole was bad or very bad.

Other highlights:

Birchanger M11 Junction 8 scheme traffic survey results

Members of the council and volunteers counted vehicles leaving the village at the motorway end of Birchanger Lane on Monday, 10th September between 0630 and 0930. We did this so that we could challenge the case made by Essex County Council from a position of knowledge. We counted two things: vehicles leaving the lane and turning left towards the motorway; and traffic going straight ahead into Dunmow Road or turning right onto the A120(W).

Over the three-hour period 221 vehicles were counted. 118 (53%) of those turned left and 103 continued to Dunmow Road or the A120(W).

Survey about the proposed junction alterations

Birchanger Parish Council would like to hear your views on the proposed works on M11 Junction 8 and the roundabout at the end of Birchanger Lane. The survey is at Please complete it by the end of Thursday, 13th, so that we have time to collate your views and present them to Highways.

There will be printed copies of this survey available from Thursday 6th September. They can be obtained from the Social Club, or from parish councillors Elizabeth Godwin (Moorswood, 330 Birchanger Lane), Maria Davy (211 Birchanger Lane) or Ken Wheatley (69 Birchanger Lane). Completed surveys can be returned to the same places.

If you know somebody who you think would like to make their views known but who are unlikely to have seen this page then please tell them about the survey.


Essex CC posts information about M11 Junction 8 scheme

Essex County Council has written to county councillors and interested parties about the proposed redevelopment of Junction 8 of the M11 and the junction at the southern/eastern end of Birchanger Lane. The letter, which can be found below, refers to a web page that has been created about the scheme. It confirms that they intend to go ahead, with preliminary works this winter and the main construction phase starting next spring and lasting for about two years.

Unauthorised development: Update 4

Birchanger Parish Council wrote to Uttlesford District Council yesterday concerning the sign which has appeared at the site. We have received the following reply.

Dear all,

This is to provide you with an update regarding the site in Birchanger. 

The Council is aware that a name sign has been attached to the gates/fence at the site earlier this week.  It is not an offence to display an unofficial name sign for a site under planning regulations, and depending on the size of the sign it might not require consent under the The Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007.  I am due to do a site visit to the site tomorrow so once I have viewed it I should be in a position to confirm if there is a breach of the advert regulations or the injunction.  Once I have been able to confirm the situation I will advise you.

Tot Lane closure

We have received the following from Essex Highways.


Temporary Traffic Regulation Order of Tot Lane, Birchanger 

Please click on the following link to find details of the intended closure of Tot Lane, due to commence on 3rd September 2018 for 33 days. The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce while Gigaclear Limited undertakes lay 600 metres of a new BDUK network.


Essex Streetworks Team
Ringway Jacobs | Essex County Council
3rd Floor, Seax House, Market Road, Chelmsford, CM1 1QH


Have you seen for road works on the Essex Network ?

Road junction latest

Our County Councillor, Ray Gooding, has had a meeting with officers at Essex County Council about the proposal to redesign the junction of Birchanger Lane with the A120 and Dunmow Road. He reports that the situation is as follows.

It is considered likely that Essex County Council will be granted the certificate of lawful development that is currently the subject of an application to Uttlesford District Council. That's normal for this type of highway work. If they receive the certificate then they won’t need to apply for formal planning permission, but that doesn’t mean that they can then just go ahead and do the work. They will need to complete the detailed design and they will need to consult.

They intend to hold two meetings during the week of 10th September. One will be in Birchanger Village Hall and the other at Bishop’s Stortford Football Club. We will, of course, provide confirmation of dates and times when we have them.

Injunction granted

Sarah Marshall of Uttlesford District Council's enforcement team has sent the following to the parish council and to our district councillors. 

Dear all,

I am writing with an update regarding the site Land north of Birchanger Lane.  As you will be aware the return date to hear the injunction was today.  I can confirm that the injunction was granted late this morning and a copy has now been served on the site.  The order, until further notice, forbids the named defendants from:

Audio of Village Meeting

The Chief Executive of Uttlesford District Council attended a meeting yesterday (7th August) with members of her Planning and Enforcement teams to explain the situation regarding the occupation of the land at the top of Birchanger Lane by members of a travelling family. The family has bought this land in the Green Belt and intends to live there on a permanent basis.

Tuesday's Meeting

It is expected that a large number of people will want to attend the meeting on Tuesday but the capacity of the village hall is limited to 120. We cannot allow more than this number to attend as to do so would be breaking the terms of our booking agreement and would be outside the terms of the hall's insurance policy. People will be admitted on a first come first served basis when doors open at 7.30. A Birchanger resident who is a licensed security professional has generously offered to manage admissions for us and we have gratefully accepted his offer.

Because space is so limited we will be using a PA system that we hope will let people outside the hall hear what's being said. We also hope to record the meeting, but if that proves impossible then a summary will be posted online afterwards .

Road Scheme Update

This is an update on the road scheme at the southern end of the village which we brought to your attention in this month's Birchanger Village Magazine.

There has been quite a lot of comment about exactly what the scheme entails. In summary, it is:

Encampment: Update 3 from Birchanger Parish Council

 Members of the council are meeting regularly to discuss this evolving situation.

As you will know, an injunction has been served on the occupants of the site prohibiting them from allowing more caravans onto the land or developing it outside the terms of the existing planning permission, which is for limited equestrian use. The press release is at Uttlesford inform us that they are currently visiting the site frequently to see whether the injunction is being complied with.

Uttlesford Serves Injunction

Birchanger Parish Council received the following from Uttlesford District Council at 12:08 today.

I can confirm that the Council applied for an injunction at the Royal Courts of Justice in London last week and were successful.  The injunction was served at the site by bailiffs on Saturday morning.  The injunction is to prevent any new people moving onto the site who weren’t already living at the site at the time of the serving of the injunction on Saturday morning, no additional caravans are to be brought onto the site and any further works to the site to enable the use of the land for residential purposes. 

UDC officers will of course be monitoring the site to ensure the occupants/owners are adhering to the injunction. 

This post last updated 30/7/18 at 14:38.

Encampment: update from Birchanger Parish Council

Birchanger Parish Council is trying to resolve the situation of the encampment in Birchanger Lane as soon as possible. We are working closely with Uttlesford District Council, who are the planning authority responsible for Birchanger, and who have the duty of enforcing breaches of planning regulations.  They have been overwhelmed by contacts from Birchanger residents so rather than contacting everyone individually they will be sending communications about this matter through the parish council.

The primary contact points within the parish council will be the following.

Angie Driscoll at (817376)
Elizabeth Godwin (812793)

Meeting about encampment

There will be a public meeting about the situation at the end of Birchanger Lane on Tuesday 7th August at 8.00 in the village hall. The CEO of Uttlesford District Council, Dawn French, will attend. 


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